Alaska-to-Contiguous US Travel Packets

As Alaska residents know too well, it is truly cost prohibitive to ship a vehicle to/from Alaska and the contiguous United States.

In fact, moving goods to/from Alaska is a lot less of a hassle if it can be done on wheels the good old fashion way – via the Alaska Highway!

Unfortunately for a lot of our customers, transiting through Canada (British Columbia and Yukon Territory) is problematic on the count of a DUI or other record in their past.

If you have a criminal record and only need to pass through Canada to deliver/ship personal items to/from Alaska and the contiguous United States, or simply need to take up residence in Alaska (or to leave residence from Alaska), we would invite you to contact us about obtaining a temporary waiver, called a temporary resident permit (TRP), so you can legally drive through Canada.

In most cases, assuming the criminal case is closed and not considered overly serious (such as a DUI or reckless driving conviction), a TRP can be granted with good documentation and preparation. Of note, the trip cannot be combined for recreational purposes or for tourism in general.

So before spending thousands of dollars in flying or ferrying your goods to/from Alaska (including yourself), give us a call to explore a 3- to 5-day waiver so you can bring your goods from the comfort of your vehicle.